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5. Internationale SILLPARK Blitz Schach Trophy Innsbruck 2021

Last update 28.08.2021 15:39:47, Creator/Last Upload: Gerhard Bertagnolli

Player overview for LAT

43Vingris Mikelis1747LAT1101001½04,55617804031,20Open B
4GMMeshkovs Nikita2465LAT111111½11½½9,5125902039,00BlitzTrophy
69Vingris Mikelis1884LAT½10101001015,573179420-5,80BlitzTrophy

Results of the last round for LAT

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Platzgummer Peter1894 1 - 0 Vingris Mikelis1747
GMMeshkovs Nikita24659 ½ - ½8 IMAbel Dennes2500
Vingris Mikelis1884 1 - 0 Van Egmond Tom1523

Player details for LAT

Vingris Mikelis 1747 LAT Rp:1780 Pts. 4,5
1108Mohammadi Sholeh1177GER1w 1403,20
26Ritter Uwe1944GER5,5w 14030,00
38Valtiner Adamo1923AUT7,5s 040-10,80
44Simon Jonathan1949GER4,5w 14030,40
515Fidlin Simon1862GER7,5s 040-13,60
69Joppien Arne1917GER4,5s 040-11,20
7106Beyeler Lilo1387SUI3,5w 1404,00
82Pregl Walter1971AUT5,5w ½4011,20
910Platzgummer Peter1894AUT5,5s 040-12,00
GM Meshkovs Nikita 2465 LAT Rp:2590 Pts. 9,5
177Pilshofer Paul1849AUT6w 1201,60
244Carnot Luca2041GER6s 1201,60
329FMKruckenhauser Arthur2170AUT8w 1203,00
428FMIvanov Mike2197CAN6s 1203,40
539Schernthaner David2100AUT7w 1202,00
62GMSadhwani Raunak2514IND9w 12011,40
71GMRagger Markus2573AUT8s ½203,00
85GMMarcelin Cyril2461FRA8s 1209,80
910IMSchwabeneder Florian2352AUT8,5w 1207,00
1012FMArndt Magnus2338GER9s ½20-3,40
113IMAbel Dennes2500GER8,5w ½201,00
Vingris Mikelis 1884 LAT Rp:1794 Pts. 5,5
1142Shakavets Pavel0BLR5w ½
287Maruntis Patrik-Robert1741ROU5,5s 1206,20
325FMNeuschmied Siegfried2226AUT5,5w 020-2,40
497Alem Ali Hussain1708KSA2s 1205,40
526IMKoepke Christian2216GER6,5w 020-2,40
613IMFedorovsky Michael2333GER6,5- 1K
718IMLoeffler Markus2262GER7s 020-1,80
813IMFedorovsky Michael2333GER6,5w 020-1,60
9110Kuti Oliver1563AUT5s 1202,60
1091Eull Emil1730GER6,5s 020-14,20
11114Van Egmond Tom1523NED4,5w 1202,00