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5. Internationale SILLPARK Blitz Schach Trophy Innsbruck 2021

Last update 28.08.2021 15:39:47, Creator/Last Upload: Gerhard Bertagnolli

Player overview for CAN

40FMGedajlovic Max2270CAN11½10½½0½54523612022,00Open A
57FMIvanov Mike2195CAN11101½1½½6,5325072072,20Open A
73Derraugh Geordie2169CAN½1011½0½½54623372039,60Open A
130Wiebe Daniel1988CAN½0½0½½0002135195320-7,00Open A
28FMIvanov Mike2197CAN11100110100646205920-26,60BlitzTrophy
31FMGedajlovic Max2137CAN11100110½117,51422492029,40BlitzTrophy
32Derraugh Geordie2132CAN001½11100015,575186320-15,60BlitzTrophy

Results of the last round for CAN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMFecker Noah23256 ½ - ½6 FMIvanov Mike2195
Derraugh Geordie2169 ½ - ½ FMGedajlovic Max2270
Wiebe Daniel19882 0 not paired  
Waffenschmidt Lars1932 0 - 1 FMGedajlovic Max2137
Kornitzky Tino19836 1 - 06 FMIvanov Mike2197
Derraugh Geordie2132 1 - 0 Kroh Christian1714

Player details for CAN

FM Gedajlovic Max 2270 CAN Rp:2361 Pts. 5
1111Beyer Christof2036GER4s 1204,20
28IMBaenziger Fabian2404SUI5,5w 12013,60
316FMMalek Daniel2348GER6,5s ½202,20
424FMKristoferitsch Daniel2325AUT4,5w 12011,60
53IMAbel Dennes2448GER6,5s 020-5,40
64GMMarcelin Cyril2444FRA5,5w ½204,60
728FMArnold Max2316GER5,5s ½201,20
812IMPiscopo Pierluigi2376ITA6w 020-7,20
973Derraugh Geordie2169CAN5s ½20-2,80
FM Ivanov Mike 2195 CAN Rp:2507 Pts. 6,5
1127CMKranewitter Norbert1988AUT2s 1204,60
222FMFuchs Florian2328GER6,5w 12013,60
320FMArndt Magnus2338GER5,5s 12013,80
42GMSadhwani Raunak2579IND8w 020-1,80
534FMPeyrer Konstantin2282AUT5,5s 12012,40
619IMKoepke Christian2340GER6s ½203,80
75IMSchwabeneder Florian2440AUT6,5w 12016,00
83IMAbel Dennes2448GER6,5w ½206,20
923FMFecker Noah2325SUI6,5s ½203,60
Derraugh Geordie 2169 CAN Rp:2337 Pts. 5
13IMAbel Dennes2448GER6,5w ½206,80
2130Wiebe Daniel1988CAN2s 1205,20
323FMFecker Noah2325SUI6,5w 020-5,80
425FMKuhn Clement2325FRA5s 12014,20
521FMSinz Bernhard2336GER5,5w 12014,40
628FMArnold Max2316GER5,5w ½204,00
727FMHoefelsauer Thomas2324GER5,5s 020-5,80
829FMBauer Sebastian2312AUT5s ½203,80
940FMGedajlovic Max2270CAN5w ½202,80
Wiebe Daniel 1988 CAN Rp:1953 Pts. 2
159Pfatteicher Lukas2193GER6s ½205,20
273Derraugh Geordie2169CAN5w 020-5,20
397WGMHund Barbara2092SUI4s ½202,80
485CMKatzir Moshe2134ISR5w 020-6,00
598Kornitzky Tino2083GER4,5w ½202,60
6102Ochs Daniel Elias2064GER3s ½202,00
7107Kozissnik Christian2044AUT4w 020-8,40
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
FM Ivanov Mike 2197 CAN Rp:2059 Pts. 6
1101Humbert Arthur1643GER7w 1201,60
270Lipinsky Markus1882GER5s 1202,80
33IMAbel Dennes2500GER8,5w 12017,20
44GMMeshkovs Nikita2465LAT9,5w 020-3,40
571Balint Peter1875AUT5,5s 020-17,40
662Borrmann Laurenz1938AUT6s 1203,60
760Cafasso Elia1948AUT7w 1203,80
8113FMSreyas Payyappat1530IND8s 020-18,40
964Joppien Arne1917GER5w 1203,20
101GMRagger Markus2573AUT8w 020-1,80
1155Kornitzky Tino1983GER7s 020-15,40
FM Gedajlovic Max 2137 CAN Rp:2249 Pts. 7,5
1104Gerlach Andreas Dr.1609GER0- 1K
290Kukku Ramesh1736IND6w 1201,60
36FMPeyrer Konstantin2453AUT8s 12017,40
410IMSchwabeneder Florian2352AUT8,5w 020-4,60
51GMRagger Markus2573AUT8s 020-1,60
674Pouchon Mickael1868FRA5,5w 1203,40
747Monninger Moritz2028GER6s 1207,00
822FMTisaj Domen2243SLO7,5w 020-7,20
960Cafasso Elia1948AUT7s ½20-5,00
1020FMBuchenau Frank2255GER5,5w 12013,20
1163Waffenschmidt Lars1932GER6,5s 1204,80
Derraugh Geordie 2132 CAN Rp:1863 Pts. 5,5
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
3123Kuehn Marvin1459GER3,5w 1201,60
4142Shakavets Pavel0BLR5s ½
597Alem Ali Hussain1708KSA2w 1201,60
681Moewisch Dave1793GER5,5s 1202,40
750Vrban Damir2004AUT5w 1206,60
88GMAbbasifar Hasan2392IRI7w 020-3,60
913IMFedorovsky Michael2333GER6,5s 020-4,80
10101Humbert Arthur1643GER7s 020-18,40
1195Kroh Christian1714GER4,5w 1201,60