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The Inaugural Sri Lanka Youth Girls Chess Grand Prix 2020 - Under 14 Years Group Y

Last update 01.09.2020 17:36:05, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

Starting rank list of players

10Attanayake Chanindi Mewna9915486SRI1441
3WCMPallie Ehsha Mishela9934057SRI1406
8Ranganath Tharuli Vihasna9997865SRI1272
9Marasinghe Chanethma Devangi9976833SRI1226
6Sandanayake Dehansa Nisanduni9968210SRI1214
2Alwis Jenuki29908302SRI1205
7Rathnayake Tenuli Dhahamna29927978SRI1131
5Thennakoon Rumethma9977139SRI1127
12Apeksha M D C9993290SRI1026
4Weerathunga W Gimashi Dewlini9977635SRI1024
11Bimansa D G Jayandi29946697SRI0
1Sanulya G H S29929911SRI0