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Sri Lanka National Seniors Chess Championship - 2020

Darrera actualització01.09.2020 17:28:22, Creador/Darrera càrrega: srilankachess

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Rànquing inicial

1Peiris T D R9900314SRI1880
2Rupasinghe Sarath9923993SRI1560
3AFMMurali V.9906541SRI1375
4De Silva J I Ajantha9931210SRI1340
5Katugampola A H9974512SRI1239
6Jayasinghe Joseph9923985SRI1207
7Perera P K Jagath29914698SRI1126
8Samuel Anthony J9997890SRI1125
9Karthigesu S9992049SRI1087
10Samarasuriya Jagath9969217SRI1059
11Abeywardane N A G9924230SRI0
12Gamarachchi Bandula PSRI0
13Liyanapathirana CyrilSRI0
14Piyadasa A N GSRI0
15Rajasingham Thilagarajah9914358SRI0
16Sandanayake N P P9978933SRI0