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2020 Barbados National Chess Championship Qualifier 2

Last update 04.09.2020 03:26:38, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank

1Lowe Mark11102535BAR1672
2Harewood Othneil11100168BAR1590
3Haynes Aaron11103590BAR1479
4La Touche Cyprian11104651BAR1444
5Wilson Louis11104368BAR1413
6Moore Gaybrianna11103760BAR1375
7Estwick Taiye11103914BAR1370
8Roachford Adam11104627BAR1317
9Wilson Hannah11104600BAR1100
10Lashley Keon11104775BAR1091
11Valdez Amelia11105194BAR1008
12Grant Travis11105399BAR0
13Humphrey David11105224BAR0
14Linton David11104660BAR0
15Rosemond ZariahBAR0
16Sargeant Alex11105127BAR0