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Prize-winners will be announced on the 4NCL website when results & games have been reviewed.

2nd 4NCL Online Congress Minor

Last update 23.08.2020 18:05:37, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank

1Alexander Ken R D247342ENG1697
2Nield Robert CENG1690
3Rogers David MENG1600
4Wood Gabriel472204ENG1600
5Bowler TimENG1592
6Grice Alec453250ENG1584
7Richards Maurice AENG1577
8Lappin Kieran A489816ENG1570
9Mitchell Ian437611ENG1555
10Mittal AdityaENG1547
11Holmes Nick DENG1540
12Madden Jason D426741ENG1532
13Wood Philip A472212ENG1532
14Peach Clifford BENG1525
15Varghese David J459780ENG1525
16Shaughnessy Phillip J431966ENG1510
17Bamford Paul449032ENG1509
18Fancourt Leslie J454370ENG1487
19Constable Christine F415847ENG1470
20Tatam Anthony429473ENG1450
21Kapur Gul454346ENG1440
22Revitt Ian461750ENG1405
23Burnett Philip473278ENG1397
24Duffell Andrew453455ENG1392
25Vernon Colin G434418ENG1392
26Cooper Dylan E485160ENG1390
27Adatia Amar471976ENG1375
28Matilal Tamal K436259ENG1374
29Garner Luke489743ENG1338
30Balaggan Karam S474860ENG1337
31Jayakumar Bharath491772ENG1337
32Warren Archie472794ENG1337
33Bazan Mateusz465097ENG1326
34Gogia Abeer480444ENG1324
35Seet Joshua477176ENG1322
36Verbytski Oleg495506ENG1315
37Wayne StevenENG1307
38Flewellen DavidENG1293
39Neri Marco478040ENG1263
40Cooper John LENG1225
41Erez Uri494836ENG1203
42Sagar Aneesh456640ENG1202
43Warren Orla480967ENG1202
44Latypova Olga L472476ENG1194
45Dane James486990ENG1187
46Kumar Satyam490377ENG1183
47Munshi Aryan2407752SCO1148
48Mokhber-Garcia SebastianENG1142
49Lin Andy343272061ENG1135
50Vitvitska VasylynaENG1120
51Verma AdityaIND1097
52Merrifield Peter1802410WLS1078
53Wang LuokeENG910
54Kataria DhairyaENG887
55Adenusi Imran8511500NGR0
56Croucher BarryENG0
57Fowler DavidSCO0
58Gannon MichaelIRL0
59Gannon SeánIRL0
60Ivanov Andrey A.2514311IRL0
61Lam MichaelENG0
62Liu Benjamin2514575IRL0
63Srivastava Aditya496154ENG0
64Wright George AENG0