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Prize-winners will be announced on the 4NCL website when results & games have been reviewed.

2nd 4NCL Online Congress Major

Darrera actualització23.08.2020 18:04:21, Creador/Darrera càrrega: 4NCL

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Rànquing inicial

1Cox David A484474ENG1945
2Hilton Tim424226ENG1885
3Reed John S402729ENG1882
4Bingham James T406910ENG1864
5Kenning Paul H441538ENG1846
6Phillips William414344ENG1819
7Cole Graham L431559ENG1818
8Holliday John K458600ENG1798
9Szymanski Mark417238ENG1781
10Sharkey GaryENG1780
11Adam David W450154ENG1758
12Arora Tashika459305ENG1744
13Dean Robert A422860ENG1744
14Clegg Robert425150ENG1739
15Doherty Paul D451126ENG1738
16Miga Tomasz21827494POL1737
17Ibbitson Anthony488070ENG1735
18Wylie Steve417351SCO1727
19Isaac Oliver T495549ENG1712
20Kumar Sanjit S468142ENG1702
21Taylor Robert P412929ENG1689
22Wang Andy477745ENG1637
23Graff Coby427535ENG1632
24Gallagher Dominic489808ENG1630
25Pelling Kyle462942ENG1587
26London Nick J435775ENG1585
27Harris Dai494445ENG1570
28Banerjee Sanjoy K462799ENG1566
29Redmond Nigel460842ENG1565
30Zhu Feng463469ENG1514
31Li Reya486892ENG1510
32Macphail Kieran495379ENG1473
33Shek Daniel457817ENG1467
34Fernando Manel439606ENG1454
35John Maxamillian467677ENG1434
36Dasgupta Avyukt480630ENG1395
37Dane Antony486981ENG1382
38Song Anwen459399ENG1339
39Timbrell Matthew474193ENG1298
40Oh Julie479799ENG1168
41Flynn ConorIRL0
42Liu Jason2514656IRL0