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Cerrado julio 2020 Aficionados 1 tarde

Last update 19.08.2020 20:42:20, Creator/Last Upload: Manuel Navarro Perez

Starting rank list of players

7MKJose Iraeta Alexandre222653719052123Sant Joan Despi C.E.
2Vives Cabau Jordi221385018812033Barcelona, Club Escacs
1Carricondo Fernandez Vicente2222027518462048Sant Adria C.E.
3Valarezzo Ricard Pedro226413718032004Castelldefels, C.E.
9Tortosa Moros Joan2224632016981924Barcelona, Club Escacs
4Abreu Sanchez Leonel Jesus391748716921934Agusti, Centre D'esport
8Toribio Ruiz Ismael2459311716631878Palleja, Club Escacs
5Agudo Martin Francisco Javier3205074715791810Ripollet Club Escacs
6Valbuena Castro Gregorio227151615781795Jake C.E.
10Paez Nunez David3204696015331789Torreblanca, Club Escacs