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II Torneo de Ajedrez Online Face to Face (Infantil) Barranquilla 2020

Darrera actualització05.07.2020 22:16:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: aborre

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Rànquing inicial

1Ramirez Sosa Carlos5139767MEX1601U12EXT
2Mena Suarez Andres DavidCOL1368U08GUA
3Martinez Varela Alan De JesusCOL1292U08ATL
4Martinez Varela Samuel David4480775COL1287U10ATL
5Borre Meza Orlando David4483375COL1280U10ATL
6Villamil Moreno Daniel Esteban4486013COL1268U08BOL
7Varela Sanchez David Yoel4488466COL1257U12ATL
8Soto Ramirez Luna Sofia4466233COL1248U12RIS
9Soto Ramirez Andres Camilo4466209COL1195U10RIS
10Luna Monsalve Sofia4486846COL1158U10ANT
11Torres Rodriguez DiegoCOL1155U06ATL
12Varela Sanchez Santiago David4492617COL1143U06ATL
13Torres Rodriguez Carlos Enrique4488296COL1137U12ATL
14Cifuentes Camacho Miguel Angel4481615COL1123U14TOL
15Taborda Borja Valeria4489861COL1089U08VAL
16Borre Meza Camilo AlfonsoCOL0U10ATL
17Cabrales Almanza Isabella JirethCOL0U12COR
18Cabrales Almanza Josue RicardoCOL0U14COR
19Rueda Ahumada Daniel AlejandroCOL0U08ATL
20Rueda Ahumada Gabriel OmarCOL0U08ATL
21Vela Martinez Valeria De Los AngelesMEX0U10EXT