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Tancat 11-19 juliol mati MC 1

Last update 19.07.2020 12:51:42, Creator/Last Upload: Joan M. Marches Rios

Starting rank list of players

7Fernandez Aguilar Fran MC20968CAT2294Colon Sabadell Chessy
3Bernado Lopez Roger356981CAT2291Colon Sabadell Chessy
8Campos Cayuelas Adrian 216457CAT2249Colon Sabadell Chessy
6Marzo Pie Xavier 225829CAT2241Ateneu Colon C.E.
9Cano Sevilla Ivan 124712CAT2216Barcelona, Club Escacs
2Moravich Casais Juan Santiago 222522CAT2206Barcelona, Club Escacs
10Cervello Tost Roger 123631CAT2173Peona i peo
1Moreno Oller Victor355663CAT2115Tres Peons C.E.
5Gonzalez Alonso Marti24880CAT2108Ateneu Colon C.E.
4Rocamora Martorell Ferran358129CAT2104Mataro C.E.