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RADNICKICHESS - GM 2020, BELGRADE - Round Robin, 27.07 - 04.08.

Last update 08.07.2020 09:34:58, Creator/Last Upload: Belgrade Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

1GMKotronias Vasilios5900212GRE2510
2IMKazakouski Valery13507443LTU2473
7IMMendonca Leon Luke35028561IND2470
8IMBudisavljevic Luka960047SRB2444
3IMRakotomaharo Fy Antenaina13100050MAD2422
5IMRemizov Yaroslav34134015RUS2403
6FMRadzhabov Rodion884715RUS2351
4IMRalison Milanto Harifidy13100351MAD2335