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Cerrado agosto 2020 GM tarde

Last update 16.08.2020 15:38:33, Creator/Last Upload: Manuel Navarro Perez

Starting rank list of players

4GMMoussard Jules642908FRA26252596
8GMAsis Gargatagli Hipolito2260735ESP24792476
3IMBarseghyan Harutyun13304585FRA24632459
5IMGines Esteo Pedro Antonio32080190ESP24542463
10IMPlazuelo Pascual Juan32059566ESP24482441
6IMAloma Vidal Robert2260409AND24432436
7GMPogorelov Ruslan14100363UKR23832389
1IMAyats Llobera Gerard32067607ESP23762377
9Masague Artero Guerau32098952ESP23622295
2FMTernault Mathieu20641532FRA23412346