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Վերջին արդիացում19.05.2020 23:37:58, Creator: Heinz Herzog,Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2020)

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Amaya Madrigal Josue6502822CRC2014Club Uvieta
2Murillo Arguedas Jaime6501079CRC1970Independiente
3Sandi Castro Allan6509150CRC1744Ccdr Escazu
4Navarrete Badilla Myckel6519938CRC1672Pococi
5Bustos Arias Darien6519814CRC1654Club Uvieta
6Pomares Herrera Efrain6519857CRC1633Liberia
7Morales Zumbado Raul6518303CRC1600Club Uvieta
8Jimenez Villalobos Christian6533787CRC1579Cañas
9Huaman Vargas Yuri6521380CRC1559Liberia
10Castillo Chavarria Sebastian6519890CRC1547Liberia
11Medina Carrillo Ronny6524346CRC1536Nandayure
12Baum Gutierrez Ismael6505392CRC1516Club Uvieta
13Medina Carrillo Ruben6524354CRC1456Nandayure
14Vidaurre Alpizar Celeste6515037CRC1444Pococi
15Sandoval Anchia Harvi6533779CRC1413Liberia
16Abarca Tijerino Jorge Alberto6534554CRC1400Club Carrillo
17Alpizar Caballero Roynner6531679CRC1400Ccdr San Jose
18Alvarado Rodriguez Alejandro6523609CRC1400Ccdr Nandayure
19Alvarado Rodriguez Alexander6519776CRC1400Ccdr Nandayure
20Arias Hernandez Dariel6514804CRC1400Lepanto
21Atwell Torres DillonCRC1400Liberia
22Mora Fajardo CésarCRC1400Nicoya
23Mora Fajardo JoseCRC1400Nicoya