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SVK extraliga 2001/02

Darrera actualització06.04.2020 12:51:28, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Slovak Chess Federation

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Quadre creuat per classificació (Pts.)

OrdreEquip123456789101112 Des1  Des2  Des3 
1SK Slovan Bratislava A * 56473166,50
2SK Hydina ZK Kosice3 * 5862756,50
3SK Slovakofarma Hlohovec * 5345651946,50
4Tatran Presov3 * 5561847,50
5Bestex Nove Zamky25 * 44461545,50
6SK Dunaj Bratislava½34 * 55441544,50
7C1-Slovan Bratislava juniori43433 * 31444,50
8SKS Spartak Dubnica n/V1½24 * 3261336,50
9SK Slovan Levice4355 * 441243,50
10Slavia UPJS Kosice½32464 * 7412420
11SK Laurex Lucenec02½4½21 * 6724,50
12SK Banik Prievidza23442 * 5300

Desempat1: Matchpoints (3 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Desempat2: points (game-points)
Desempat3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints