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Asian Zonal 3.1 Women Championship 2011 4 - 13 July 2011

Last update 12.07.2011 12:49:35, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

3WIMGhader Pour ShayestehIRI2246
8WIMHakimifard GhazalIRI2197
5WIMMouradian KnarikLBN2186
1WIMIman H M Al-RufayeIRQ2160
2Mir Mahmoud AfamiaSYR1993
4WIMSaleh Nora MohdUAE1911
10WIMDahdal LougainJOR1882
9WFMAl-Zarouni Kholoud EssaUAE1853
6WFMAl-Khelaifi SalamaQAT1757
7WFMNouman AmnaUAE1725