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St. Louis Open 2020 Under 18 Category

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony14.03.2020 19:47:11, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation

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Lista startowa

1Dupres DarianSEY1600
2Mougal RoyshaSEY1600
3Mohamed Ali-Jina Mohamed ArfanSEY1550
4Dufrene EllishaSEY1390
5Bistoe AngeloSEY1350
6Pillay NavinSEY1350
7Bastienne RishonSEY1150
8Servina Jean-PhilpeSEY1100
9Simon AlvinSEY1020
10Alexander ShakkiguhanSEY1000
11Bratia MiguelSEY1000
12Camille NoahSEY1000
13Chilinda CalebSEY1000
14Choppy MarioSEY1000
15Jhugroo RaiSEY1000
16Muna `AmmarSEY1000
17Pandu Rangan Ruhi SreeSEY1000
18Senthil VargunanSEY1000
19Stravens TambySEY1000
20Chetty AshwinSEY950
21Hemanth Kumar PrathikshaSEY950
22Jeyaseelan Jason AndrewSEY850
23Sekar AakashSEY1000