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FSCT Four Seasons Chess Tournaments Group A

Last update 16.03.2020 12:01:00, Creator/Last Upload: Ahmed-Sharata

Starting rank list of players

2ALSHAREEF Alla Aldean Othman9210660LBA1931
6ELHALLAWI Mouhanned S.9203567LBA1900
3ALDOGRI Mohsen9207600LBA1883
5ALFITURI Milad Alhadi9202315LBA1870
8ALMANSORI Abdalaziz9206914LBA1851
4AL-AREEFI Jamal9202218LBA1848
7BUKSHAIM Abdalsalam9208739LBA1816
9ALAGOURI Hamdi Gaith9208020LBA1797
10EL GHEIADI I.9200037LBA1752
1ATTIR Abdurrahman9201980LBA1658