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FSCT Four Seasons Chess Tournaments Group B

Last update 16.03.2020 09:49:31, Creator/Last Upload: Ahmed-Sharata

Starting rank list of players

3Zenhom Mohamed Hassan10619925EGY1768
9Faranka Khaled9200142LBA1748
1Albosaifi Malek A.9203486LBA1717
5Zgeta Faisal Mohamed9211128LBA1673
4Zarrough Abdulmotaleb A.9214518LBA1658
2Aldabar Hamza Mohamed9213511LBA1644
6Kachoud Massaoud9201386LBA1599
7Jeyashi Salah Ali9214666LBA1573
10Brka Emad A.9214445LBA1522
8Lagha Moftah Ali9214470LBA1511