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Schülerliga Waizenkirchen 2020 U8

Last update 07.03.2020 00:35:48, Creator/Last Upload: Union Sparkasse Waizenkirchen

Starting rank list of players

1Edlbauer JasminAUT0SV Hofkirchen
2Hofer JonasAUT0Union Waizenkirchen
3Jovanovic GeorgijeAUT0SV Hörsching
4Jovanovic VasilijeAUT0SV Hörsching
5Mahler RaphaelAUT0SV Almtal
6Matthias NicoAUT0SG Sauwald
7Stiefelbauer JoachimAUT0SV Urfahr
8Wineroither AronAUT0DSG U. St. Martin/Traun