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Championnat de Monaco 2020 - Blitz

Last update 01.03.2020 20:53:43, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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Starting rank list

1GMEfimov Igor806404MNC2439
2IMVillegas Pierre654183MNC2391
3FMVerdier Patrice606340FRA2104
4Lanteri Nicolas632139FRA1995
5Cuttoli Alexandre36007293MNC1963
6Berthaut Alexandre26080192MNC1927
7WIMDubois Martine601926MNC1812
8Vigny Philippe650609MNC1707
9Rapaire Jean-Michel5400023MNC1699
10WIMLebel-Arias Julia602019MNC1679
11Cuttoli Pascal5400821MNC0
12Berezovsky Fiorina5400651MNC1268