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Vieux Fort Rapid

Last update 01.03.2020 15:19:42, Creator/Last Upload: StLuciaChess

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Starting rank list

1Alexander Andy23000015LCA0
2Aimable Ashley23000287LCA0
3Barfield Chris30955050LCA0
4Cantoni Casper23000244LCA0
5Daniel Cyrus23000228LCA0
6Deserts Armish23000236LCA0
7Gabriel Sixtus23000180LCA0
8Jigar Katwala23000279LCA0
9Jude VanDyke23000074LCA0
10Louis Sylvester23000210LCA0
11Mathurin Nathaniel23000139LCA0
12Nicholas Arvin7701187LCA0
13Norville Joanne23000082LCA0
14Richards Tris-Ann23000058LCA0
15Singh Aradhya23000260LCA0
16Thorat Rahul23000252LCA0