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Maseru Open Chess Championship 2020( ladies' section)

Last update 01.03.2020 18:15:22, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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Starting rank

1Ngatane Lieketseng21300585LES1465
2Likhomo MalehloaLES1318
3McPherson NaleliLES1309
4Phera MalilloLES1279
5Leboela Maboloko21300119LES1269
6Ntsielo BonoloLES1264
7Taioe ReitumetseLES1181
8Thetsane NtebohelengLES1151
9Khasake Kelello21302340LES1044
10Lets'aba Mamojabeng21302359LES0
11Likhapha MotsamaiLES0
12Sethabathaba BoitumeloLES0
13Tlaitlai RelebeletseLES0