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Championnat de Monaco 2020

Posledná aktualizácia 01.03.2020 20:55:17, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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Štartová listina

1GMEfimov Igor806404MNC2399
2IMVillegas Pierre654183MNC2341
3WGMDornbusch Tatiana14107449MNC2269
4Nelis Jean-Francois623830MNC2141
5Cuttoli Alexandre36007293MNC2050
6Roussiere Christophe628395FRA1959
7WCMJose Polanco Kenia6401074MNC1876
8WIMDubois Martine601926MNC1812
9WCMBerezovska Svetlana5400740MNC1806
10WIMLebel-Arias Julia602019MNC1749
11Vigny Philippe650609MNC1710
12Rapaire Jean-Michel5400023MNC1683
13Mattei Jean-Charles20603762MNC1669
14Berezovsky Fiorina5400651MNC1584
15L`herbon De Lussats Jean20652194MNC1324