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FISCA 2011 - 8 ani

Last update 02.07.2011 20:58:10, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 1)

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Round 2 on 2011/06/26 at 10

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
11IGavrilescu David15741 1 - 01 IIITutelea Aurel-Emanuel122220
219IIILacraru Karina-Ioana12251 0 - 11 IIGheorghiu Alexandru-Dan14862
33IIUngureanu Alexandru-Daniel14761 1 - 01 Pokker Maximilian120722
424IIIIon Andrada12011 0 - 11 IICodreanu Alex-Cosmin14594
55IIOrga Felix-Cosmin14371 1 - 01 Badulescu George-Alexandru120126
628Berevoescu Remus-Napoleon12011 ½ - ½1 IIMintau Andrei-Catalin13386
77IISarbu Zeno-Iulius13091 1 - 01 Bresug Ariana-Bianca120129
830Calnicean Matei12011 0 - 11 IITomoiaga Dragos-Andrei13088
99IIStroe Flavius-Gabriel13031 1 - 01 Cialacu Edward-Cristian120132
1031Caltea Stefan12011 0 - 11 IIIStoian Cristian-Georgian128910
1111IIIMarina-Fit Andrei12861 1 - 01 Fagetan Gabriel Radu120136
1233Costache Robert-Andrei12011 0 - 11 IISarbu Adela128012
1313IIITraila Alexandru-Irinel12771 1 - 01 Parvu Robert-Gabriel120157
1415IIISarighioleanu Sebastian-Lauren12571 1 - 01 Pontos Silviu-Andrei120159
1535Dumitru Silvia-Alexandra12011 0 - 11 IIMujdar Milan125016
1617IIIKovacs Emese12431 1 - 01 Volovici Radu-Maxim-Cristian120173
1750Nita Andrei12011 1 - 01 IIIBuzatu Denisa-Marina123918
1825Armenean Rares1201½ 0 - 11 Sandulache Mihnea-Stefan120163
1970Ungureanu Alexandru1201½ 0 - 1½ Radulescu Marian-Adrian120161
2021IIIOprisiu Bogdan-Ioan12180 1 - 0½ Dragulescu Sebastian-Daneas120134
2152Paculea Ioan Dalian12010 ½ - ½0 IIBaias Livia-Stefania126414
2223Ercsei Iolanda-Elisabeta12060 1 - 00 Oprean Raul David120151
2327Botocan Mara Ilinca12010 1 - 00 Pacurariu Sebastian120153
2454Pandurescu Bogdan12010 0 - 10 Ghitoiu-Stelzner Mario-Patrick120137
2538Gligorea Ana Maria12010 0 - 10 Pane Petru-Mihai120155
2656Paraschivescu Teodora Arsenia12010 0 - 10 Iacob Eduard-Teodor120139
2740Iarca Irina Maria12010 1 - 00 Parvulescu Bogdan120158
2842Jurj Diana-Elena12010 1 - 00 Postolache Andrei120160
2962Rudareanu-Mihancea Bernard12010 1 - 00 Kapas-Vidan Delia120143
3044Lazar Irina12010 1 - 00 Stet Stephanie-Ioana120167
3164Simion Gabriel-Serban12010 0 - 10 Lazar Stefania120145
3246Mihalcea Maria-Mirabela12010 1 - 00 Teposu Rares120169
3366Stana Bianca12010 1 - 00 Moldovan Paul-Ionut120147
3448Musat Tudor-Mihai12010 0 - 10 Voicea David-Alexandru120171
3568Stirbet Razvan-Georgian12010 ½ - ½0 Nemes-Pop Elena-Patricia120149
3672Voicu Vlad-Andrei12010 1 bye 
3741Ioan Tudor12010 0 not paired 
3865Stamatie Robert12010 0 not paired