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Last update 01.03.2020 20:09:04, Creator/Last Upload: Belgrade Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Rajkovic Mladen930660SRB2383
2IMVucinic Gojko945374SRB2369
3CMRistic Luka987760SRB2212
4CMJandric Damjan921475SRB2184
5Janjic Stefan923265SRB2173
6Stamatovic Aleksandar928526SRB2145
7Petrovic Aleksa967629SRB2094
8Krstic Milos954888SRB2015
9Stosic Slobodan923788SRB1973
10Hlebec Darko911747SRB1952
11Andric Sinisa906700SRB1899
12Bajin Zoran986852SRB1850
13Knezevic Velimir940631SRB1789
14Bjelanovic Nemanja14405431BIH1687