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2020 Blou Bul Section D Section D

Last update 15.02.2020 15:02:11, Creator/Last Upload: Sarah Singh

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Starting rank

1Joynt TyroneRSA858
2Matandunhe SelestaRSA845
3Wu YuansiRSA840
4Mahlangu Nkosinathi PhilRSA839
5Smith LuhaneRSA839
6Baloyi BoikanyoRSA827
7Sefanyetso Kagiso (KGOTSO)RSA827
8Muller ChristianRSA811
9Seokola OnkarabileRSA807
10Gruenenfelder WerniRSA796
11Padayachy ShreyaRSA782
12Botha RobertRSA781
13Smith KayleRSA778
14Ntombela Luvuyo (SHOULD HAVE BEEN E)RSA760
15Du Plessis AmeliaRSA757
16Hattingh HeinrichRSA755
17Jooste JoshRSA755
18Potgieter AlbertRSA755
19De Jager JacquesRSA751
20Okeke Brian ChiagozieRSA748
21Nel HencoRSA735
22Nel AndreasRSA734
23Diremelo Mpho Oarabile (KGOTSO)RSA729
24Fuhri RubenRSA725
25Oosthuizen LudrickRSA721
26Anderson ShaneRSA716
27Kubheka ThandoRSA655
28Pistorius CarliRSA644
29Gounder ArunRSA625
30Klopper ElaineRSA623
31Grahan Chie-AnnRSA622
32Laas IsabellaRSA622
33Henning TiaanRSA618
34Senekal WilliamRSA601
35Klopper MelissaRSA583
36Lujiza KeitumetseRSA574
37Richards KobusRSA573
38Montja MatlhatsiRSA545
39Pretorius George JohannesRSA508
40Bond Dean MarthinusRSA500
41De Jager GustaveRSA500
42Jacobs RicoRSA500
43Malan RuhanRSA500
44Matsiokolo GodisangRSA500
45Matsioloko OsegaRSA500
46Motshabi KatlehoRSA500
47Van Der Merwe RubenRSA500
48Adamson AmaniRSA0
49Coetzee JuaneRSA0
50Erasmus RuanRSA0
51Makgotlwe PhenyoRSA0
52Naicker HoovasenRSA0
53Twala SpheRSA0