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Prvenstvo Crne Gore za omladinke

Last update 21.06.2011 13:05:43, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

4Misovic Sanja900575MNE1857"O.S.S." - Pljevlja
1Bacic Kristina16500245MNE1826"Dijagonale" - Podgorica
5Blagojevic Tijana16500270MNE1802"Podgorica"
3Bubanja Milica16500253MNE1731"O.S.S." - Pljevlja
2Radosevic Nevena900435MNE1460"O.S.S." - Pljevlja
6Ajanovic Berina16501098MNE0"O.S.S." - Pljevlja