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Nordic Youth Chess Championships 2020 Class E

Last update 16.02.2020 18:59:26, Creator/Last Upload: TrekantensSkak

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Starting rank list

1Brattgjerd Isak Vinh1549880NOR1780
2Bondo Medhus Vitus1462547DEN1779
3Khoo-Thwe Louis1538756NOR1753
4Jaakkola Niklas514977FIN1678
5Sakic Matija1744372SWE1444
6Tran Sixten1752162SWE1377
7Valpas Jami517046FIN1306
8Penki Tunav Chand1467727DEN1233
9Briem Gudrun Fanney2317486ISL1209
10Samuelsen Brestir7203616FAI1191
11Brynjarsson Einar Dagur2315939ISL1121
12Magnussen Petur Garsar7203802FAI0