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Nordic Youth Chess Championships 2020 Class A

Last update 16.02.2020 19:43:35, Creator/Last Upload: TrekantensSkak

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Starting rank list

1FMStorme Isak1728113SWE2314
2FMRisting Eivind Olav1517333NOR2289
3FMLund Gunnar1520814NOR2288
4Lahdelma Henri510394FIN2253
5Freyr Heimisson Hilmir2309998ISL2250
6Kristensen Bjarke Hautop1437747DEN2227
7CMCrevatin Leo1726307SWE2219
8Kistrup Nicolai1444816DEN2194
9CMBirkisson Bardur Orn2310597ISL2186
10Skaale Janus7201575FAI1799
11Takala Jaakko512842FIN1686
12Morkore Rogvi7202563FAI1589