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Onder Weskus Prestige 2020 U9 Girls

Last update 22.02.2020 21:14:20, Creator/Last Upload: Kaden Muller

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Starting rank

1Lewaks AndreaRSA727
2Groenewaldt KatjaRSA572
3Schoeman MischkeRSA500
4Botha AnkeRSA0
5De Witt SomariRSA0
6Heyns ChirstiRSA0
7Heyns ChristiRSA0
8Joshua TaveneyRSA0
9Julie ShakirahRSA0
10Kleinhans CaylenRSA0
11Swart MiyaRSA0
12Zabibu IreneRSA0
13van Deventer Pieter-NelRSA0
14Esterhuizen AntruRSA628
15Esterhuizen AnloRSA603
16Burger MariRSA635