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JNW Club - Bryanston Open1 2020 - Section A

Last update 01.02.2020 18:03:22, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 65)

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Starting rank

1IMMakoto RodwellRSA2293
2NMHercules BenjaminRSA2231
3CMKhumalo KeithRSA2214
4Pon MattRSA2180
5Mazibuko KhanyaRSA2020
6Modi SoniaRSA1988
7Modi YashilRSA1979
8Tshetlo TshepoRSA1978
9Uzeni TaperaRSA1837
10Horne AndrewRSA1829
11Mendelsohn DavidRSA1820
12Lukhwareni NkhumbuleniRSA1796
13Mamombe KudzanaiRSA1772
14Nsibande BonisaniRSA1766
15Buthelezi NcedoRSA1750
16Levy DarrenRSA1730
17Letsoalo PeterRSA1710
18Babuseng BenjaminRSA1683
19Schroeder DanielRSA1601
20Badenhorst ChloeRSA1598
21Maharaj AmeetRSA1597
22Maharaj AjeetRSA1587
23Potgieter EdwardRSA1574
24Greyling HendrikRSA1540
25Jonker KeolaRSA1534
26Lemme TumeloRSA1525
27Vorster TyroneRSA1517
28Molefe KgosimangRSA1510
29Gardiner NoaRSA1506
30Pillay MikhaelRSA1503
31Jobeta OloratoRSA1498
32Mashao BotlhaleRSA1471
33Phiri JusticeRSA1458