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Frances Baard Chess Open A Section

Last update 02.02.2020 11:27:18, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1Manaba ThembaniRSA1677
2Kwababa HarryRSA1674
3Valashia ItumelengRSA1624
4Mashope MphoRSA1610
5Mathamela GeorgeRSA1490
6Ratema LeratoRSA1481
7Holsa Jorma517224FIN1413
8Maupa Simon14331225RSA1404
9Kgosi Bushy14334526RSA1382
10Goosen Pierre14332841RSA1355S50
11Dinakedi TatiRSA1249
12Maretela ModiseRSA1218
13Van Der Merwe CoganRSA1157U20
14Motsamai TshenoloRSA1116
15Maubane BarengRSA1048S50
16Minnies WayneRSA1013
17Ramokgaba LesegoRSA835
18De Lange ChristoRSA0
19Shuping KatlegoRSA0