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Last update 01.02.2020 15:57:14, Creator/Last Upload: Kaden Muller

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Starting rank

1Fillis JordanRSA993
2Franzman ArchardRSA993
3Bezuidenhout KeanuRSA989
4Richards ElijahRSA972
5Lu Daniel Ting XuRSA966
6Mcquire CraigRSA934
7Knoesen ZichriRSA907
8Therion WihanRSA874
9Brooks LehaneRSA856
10Mcquire MikaelRSA856
11Fillis JaredRSA851
12Richards EzekielRSA850
13Basson ZancoRSA844
14Lesch KeanoRSA820
15Boois ConzayRSA795
16Du Plessis StefanRSA785
17Bester CoenraadRSA775
18De Klerk JasonRSA743
19Collair HoustonRSA740
20Duiker PhillipRSA726
21Klein IrwinRSA726
22Theron MartinRSA701
23Isaacs KallumRSA700
24Klein CalvinRSA698
25Grobbelaar AltusRSA645
26Mabaso SiceloRSA603
27Abdol MateoRSA586
28Gribble MarlangRSA579
29Hogan LeeRSA570
30Snyders WaidenRSA555
31West TristanRSA541
32Van Schalkwyk DamianRSA524
33Basson JurgenRSA502
34Adams Rivaldo LysanderRSA500
35Davids ClevertonRSA500
36De Klerk Jean-PierreRSA500
37Janneker JoelRSA500
38Josephs JadonRSA500
39Martins MatthewRSA500
40Nkosi SbulelaRSA500
41Page BlaineRSA500
42Pienaar StianRSA500
43Rajgopaul JarodRSA500
44Goosen JeandreRSA565
45Barnard XanderRSA500
46Coetzee EwanRSA786
47Fielies JadenRSA586
48February JadeRSA860