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Campionatul RM 2020 la sah clasic. Liga superioara, masculin

Last update 08.02.2020 12:31:09, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

Starting rank list of players

6GMIordachescu Viorel13900200MDA2602Chisinau
10GMSvetushkin Dmitry13900463MDA2518Chisinau
2IMSchitco Ivan13905465MDA2467Chisinau
4IMMacovei Andrei13904680MDA2457Chisinau
1GMSanduleac Vasile13900161MDA2425Balti
9IMSoltanici Ruslan13900889MDA2409Chisinau
3IMMorozov Nichita13900897MDA2388Chisinau
7FMMartinovici Ilie13907034MDA2380Ribnita
5IMBaltag Iulian13901419MDA2378Chisinau
8FMLashkin Jegor13907808MDA2368Tiraspol