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Polufinale pojedinacnog prvenstva Srbije - žene

Last update 01.03.2020 13:43:34, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 6 on 2020/02/27 at 16,30

No.White  Black No.
14WIMDrljevic Ljilja21893 0 - 14 WIMGajcin Marina22732
23WGMPrudnikova Svetlana22103 ½ - ½3 WFMSrdanovic Jovana198810
39Nestorovic Katarina2027 1 - 03 WFMVujcic Milena20897
45WGMBenderac Ana21693 1 - 0½ Stankovic Marija177912
58WFMMilosevic Jovana20752 1 - 0 WFMKovacevic Radmila21136
611Dimitrijevic Andjela1803 0 - 12 WIMVelikic Adela22941