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Campionat SUB14 2020 - Comarques Pirinenques

Senast uppdaterad17.02.2020 17:54:01, Creator/Last Upload: Federació d’Escacs Valls d’Andorra

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1Ribera Veganzones SerniAND2065GEVA-CEA
2Sanchez Sala MarcAND1824GEVA-CEA
3Alcon Llosada JaumeAND1813GEVA-CEA
4Bosch Garcia MarcelAND1528GEVA-CEA
5De Oliveira Lopes Bruno M.AND1524GEVA-CEA
6Perez Escuredo NicolasAND1411GEVA-CEA
7Guardia Comes AleixAND1316GEVA-CEA