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championnat de Tunisie Individuel Fermé 2019

Last update 26.01.2020 13:10:31, Creator/Last Upload: Abdelkader CHAABANI

Starting rank list of players

11FMAmdouni Zoubaier5500419TUN0
8Ben Brahem Aymen5504899TUN0
3IMBoudriga Mohamed Ali5500460TUN0
9CMBouzidi Ahmed5501733TUN0
10FMDouissa Oussama5500508TUN0
5Hmam Mohamed5501032TUN0
1Jabloun Bilel5503108TUN0
4Jmila Omar5500605TUN0
2FMNouali Mohamed5502462TUN0
6CMTaieb Sahbi5500770TUN0
7IMZaibi Amir5500796TUN0