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Campionat de Veterans de Girona 2020 (243795)

Last update 10.03.2020 21:10:46, Creator/Last Upload: Luis E. Valle Maytin

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Starting rank

1MKParals Marce Lluis20232280S50
2MKAyllon Rodriguez Joan Pedro20932251S50
3Bonell Mitjans Antonio20382200S65
4Balague Canadell Jordi19552160S50
5MKFluvia Frigola Joan19652143S50
6Rex Torsten Claus19722127S50
7Oliva Llorens Antoni17912028S65
8Ruiz Planas Adelito17701973S65
9Vila Pages Xavier17471952S65
10Zamora Alarcon Juli17291943S65
11Teixidor Banus Josep Maria17161933S65
12Vidal Palou Jordi16011871S50
13Feliu Pale Joaquim15861855S50
14Burset Camps Guillem15871844S65
15Recio Romaguera Enric15621797S65
16Garcia Castany Jose14471719S65
17Villa Carrillo Julio14071712S50
18Cuerda Quintana Antoni13621649S65
19Figols Pujolar Juan11731647S65
20Alsina Carreras Eva12781618S50
21Iglesias Pujol Emilio12321558S50
22Lara Perez Antoni01538S65