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LXXXVI Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto Fase Final 2019 - CAMPEÃO: GM FIER / VICE: GM DIAMANT / 3º/4º GM SUPI, GM LIMA

Last update 19.01.2020 15:42:58, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1GMSupi Luis Paulo2106388BRA2577
2GMDiamant Andre2108356BRA2547
3GMLima Darcy2100045BRA2534
4GMFier Alexandr2107139BRA2528
5IMMolina Roberto Junio Brito2109450BRA2431
6NMLabussiere Victor2183129BRA2363
7IMMacedo Maximo Iack2109972BRA2324
8FMMartins Vinicius Tine2112884BRA2309
9CMZallio Luciano De Souza2109700BRA2245
10FMBrito Luismar2100134BRA2227
11NMRocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2102951BRA2200
12NMJordao Barbosa Marcio2116219BRA2181
13CMDe Oliveira Victor Gabriel C.2137798BRA2146
14FMPinto Carlos Henrique Lopes2101378BRA2135
15NMFerreira Vitor Hugo Vieira2119765BRA2123
16NMMourao Igor A.C.Lofredo2102544BRA2112