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Cuartos de Final Enroque Largo

Last update 05.01.2020 21:07:15, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

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Starting rank list

1Palacio Enzo3010066URU20641869
2Cerrato Alex3001725URU20501911
3Choca Andres3003574URU19841741
4Batista Joao3010392URU19121698
5Alvarez Miguel3003515URU18871754
6Miraballes Lopez Andres3003671URU17611675
7Torales Agustin3012069URU17081631
8Amaral Francisco3009947URU16501595
9Robertt Mario3003787URU16081412
10Silvera Pilar3010201URU14741284w
11Bonilla Tomas3011860URU14531528
12Ocampo Ivan3012140URU13891342
13Silva Diaz Renato3013693URU13431343
14Miraballes Deivid3010104URU13190
15Steinhardt Luca3010058URU12781447
16Lopez Julieta3009335URU12691121w
17Arias Eliseo3010180URU00
18Arias Samuel3010139URU00
19Cardozo Lucas3010090URU00
20Carpellino Richard3011844URU00
21De Brum Antonio3010074URU00
22Estades Eunice3012166URU00w
23Estades Noemi3012123URU00w
24Sosa Rodriguez Nicolas9002128URU00