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Championnat National Féminin 2019-1ere Edition

Last update 31.12.2019 21:34:18, Creator/Last Upload: ljmuller84

Starting rank list of players

12Seine Rose Berline11900547HAI1620
2Paul Theophane11900776HAI1543
7Paul Theoxane11900784HAI1407
1Cadeau Merisena11900733HAI1396
6Alexis Yverline11901047HAI0
11Dunat Kimberlie11900814HAI0
5Jean Francois Valencia11900920HAI0
10Jonet Davena11900636HAI0
8Mathieu Sara Daphka11901110HAI0
4Montina Kessy11900946HAI0
9Montina Lovemaillie11900954HAI0
3Noel Sultana11900806HAI0