


最后更新22.12.2019 09:12:53, 创建者/最新上传: hkcca

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9 轮后最终排名

名次SNo姓名 TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
111001 梁信謙8,5500844
221004 游豐語7,5520735
361009 莫子朗652,50635
471033 岑柏賢6510624
581015 李昶旭649,50634
6101035 鄧再淳648,50624
741036 鄭卓亨646,50634
8131026 黃樂軒5,543,50534
9111016 彭鴻燾5,5420535
1031002 關彤亮553,50535
1151019 劉唐正549,50525
1291008 陳以樂545,50525
13221006 李希晴544,50525
14161041 何善衡542,50515
15121042 鄧朗廷539,50514
16151010 黃詔聰538,50555
17181007 劉俊諾5360424
18231020 梁溢恆4,5360414
19301030 趙灝研4,533,50435
20211034 吳劍慈440,50435
21251022 戴俊軒439,50434
22191005 李希朗439,50424
23171003 馮朗喬436,50314
24311031 馮明思433,50314
25291027 黃星爾4330424
26141032 周綽軒4280424
27271024 林柏喬3410335
28261023 譚梓峰337,50214
29331040 唐倬華3330214
30281025 勞胤庭3310204
31201037 鄭譽朗328,50214
32321038 鄭彥朗2320104
33241021 馬子超2300104

TB1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
TB2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
TB3: Greater number of victories/games variable
TB4: Greater number of victories/games variable
TB5: Most black