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Last update 29.05.2011 22:26:09, Creator: DEMO-Version (60 Spieler/4 Runden),Last Upload: fpxfaro

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Starting rank

1Galvao Henrique Mario ChavesPOR2210Nx Faro
2Botelho Luis Miguel RodriguesPOR1991Cpnd Albufeira
3Sousa Carlos Nuno Goncalves FPOR1808Adc Faro
4Correia Sandra VenturaPOR1709Cpnd Albufeira
5Patrocinio Hernani J CardosoPOR1592Academia Xadrez Algarve
6Sousa Tadeu Filipe Leonardo DPOR1485Academia Xadrez Algarve
7Barros Filipe Da Silva SousaPOR1473Adc Faro
8Silva Vitor Manuel Cunha DaPOR1462Academia Xadrez Algarve
9Ciet GiuseppePOR1453Adc Faro
10Duarte Jose Julio SoaresPOR1449Adc Faro
11Safronov VlasPOR1368Adc Faro
12Relvas Tiago PereiraPOR1314Adc Faro
13Miguel Cristiana Isabel DuartePOR1250Academia Xadrez Algarve
14Soares JulioPOR1240Adc Faro
15Diaconu DumitrasPOR1234Academia Xadrez Algarve
16Santos DiogoPOR1150Adc Faro
17Zhu Wang RuiPOR1128Academia Xadrez Algarve
18Xavier Mateus Alexandre CruzPOR1037Academia Xadrez Algarve