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2019 China Rapid Chess Championships Woman

Last update 18.12.2019 04:45:26, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

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Starting rank list

1WGMDing Yixin8602972CHN2374
2IMWang Yu A.8601097CHN2307
3WFMXiao Yiyi8606161CHN2216
4Zhang Lanlin8608032CHN2199
5WIMWang Doudou8603197CHN2184
6WFMZhao Shengxin8608040CHN2181
7WIMGu Tianlu8603995CHN2180
8Hong Xing8606129CHN1973
9WFMLi Yunshan8607664CHN1968
10Zhang Xiao8610894CHN1948
11WIMSong Yuxin8614300CHN1912
12Bai Xue8608717CHN1758
13Hu Yu A.8609993CHN0
14Zhou Zirun8610975CHN0