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Last update 16.12.2019 04:36:19, Creator/Last Upload: Lao Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1- AlisaLAO0
2- AliyaLAO0
3- AlvinaLAO0
4- PhoutthakoneLAO0
5Mr. AdisoneLAO0
6Mr. AreeeyaLAO0
7Mr. ArisackLAO0
8Mr. BounhaksaLAO0
9Mr. LasunLAO0
10Mr. LatthakoneLAO0
11Mr. LeaungmanoLAO0
12Mr. ManivanhLAO0
13Mr. MungkoneLAO0
14Mr. PhithakLAO0
15Mr. PhounsoukLAO0
16Mr. SimonLAO0
17Mr. VarodomLAO0
18Mr. VilasoneLAO0
19Ms ArasaLAO0
20Ms. MaysaLAO0
21Ms. PhetvisukLAO0