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Playoff: Magnus Carlsen beat Hikaru Nakamura 1.5-0.5.

2019 King Salman World Rapid & Blitz Championship Blitz Open

Last update 30.12.2019 17:08:49, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for NED

18GMGiri Anish27471½110½½1½½½½1½½9,516Rapid Open
10GMGiri Anish2769½½0½11½111½½1½1½½0½½113,513Blitz Open

Results of the last round for NED

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMGiri Anish27479 ½ - ½9 GMSmirin Ilia2584
GMGiri Anish276912½ 1 - 012½ GMSarana Alexey2657

Player details for NED

GM Giri Anish 2747 NED Rp:2729 Pts. 9,5
1121GMRozum Ivan25426s 1
289GMRiazantsev Alexander25948,5w ½
387GMMoiseenko Vadim25965,5s 1
4139GMTregubov Pavel V.25078,5w 1
59GMDominguez Perez Leinier275510s 0
671GMAmin Bassem26108w ½
769GMFirouzja Alireza261410,5s ½
877GMAlekseev Evgeny26039,5w 1
93GMNakamura Hikaru281910,5s ½
1074GMGrachev Boris26069w ½
1192GMDreev Aleksey25889s ½
1258GMAntipov Mikhail Al.26369w ½
1359GMDemchenko Anton26369s 1
144GMKorobov Anton281810w ½
1595GMSmirin Ilia25849,5w ½
GM Giri Anish 2769 NED Rp:2702 Pts. 13,5
1112GMSocko Bartosz255711,5s ½
2114GMKobalia Mikhail255611w ½
3109GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.256011s 0
4198FMTsvetkov Andrey21778,5s ½
5121GMGasanov Eldar25389w 1
690GMJumabayev Rinat258512w 1
7104GMPredke Alexandr256612,5s ½
8199FMTengis Tsog-Ochir21659w 1
957GMShimanov Aleksandr263011s 1
1043GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo266912w 1
11156GMPetrosyan Manuel24839,5s ½
1275GMSafarli Eltaj260911w ½
1314GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi275612,5s 1
1425GMJobava Baadur271212,5w ½
1523GMFedoseev Vladimir271413,5s 1
165GMYu Yangyi280713,5w ½
171GMNakamura Hikaru288516,5s ½
1850GMFirouzja Alireza264913,5w 0
1927GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar270612,5w ½
2064GMTomashevsky Evgeny262412,5s ½
2148GMSarana Alexey265712,5w 1