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1er Tournoi Blitz "Jean Lamothe"

Last update 16.12.2019 02:07:12, Creator/Last Upload: cmoscoso

Starting rank list of players

9Ros Calvino Hector3505693CUB2195
4Bourdierd Luis6402410DOM2063
1FMJean Louis Marckens11900270HAI2039
10Sanon Mondoly11900059HAI2012
5Germinal Kemly11900571HAI1978
14Guillaume Jude Mirvens11900792HAI1965
12Luxama Jacques Muller11900113HAI1938
6Britus Samuel Gabius11900598HAI1840
2Docteur Jean Peterson11900687HAI1756
7Seine Rose Berline11900547HAI1620
3Brice Guerdy11900261HAI0
16Charleus Jacklin11901233HAI0Pion Passé
8Etienne Angelo361096937HAI0
13Lamour Pouplard11900628HAI0
11Plaisival Emmanuel11901225HAI0
15Senatus Roben11900997HAI0