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Leyland FIDE 2-Day Weekend Congress U1500 2019

Last update 15.12.2019 17:42:36, Creator: Lara Barnes IA,Last Upload: David Clayton

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/City TB1  TB2 
14Kumar IshanSCO115251317
25Jayawarna ThisumiENG1247Tameside Juniors41278
33Shrestha DeepeshSCO0Scotland31239
49Wilson JeffENG1377Blue Club (Oldham)31138
57Sajid Aryan1217Greater Manchester *31137
66Lawson Ken1352Leyland2,51107
72Shrestha UnnabhSCO1170Scotland2,51042
81Gardner Alan021099
910Eccleston BryonyENG1036Greater Manchester Juniors2972
108Bohm Richard DENG1285Bury1,51069
1111Eccleston RowanENG1045Greater Manchester Juniors1790
1212Pelling VicENG0Tameside0,5200

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Rating Performance without two results (EM 2011)