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Leyland FIDE 2-Day Weekend Congress U1900

Last update 15.12.2019 17:39:38, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/City TB1 
11Kobryn Peter JENG1888Great Lever4
3Burns Martin JENG1868Stockport4
32Giles YasminENG1881Lancaster University3,5
9Sandhu ManvithENG1673Halesowen3,5
58Clegg RobertENG1738Huddersfield3
13Turner SamENG1587Newcastle-under-Lyme3
715Jayawarna TariniENG1515Tameside2,5
16Pal RohanENG1430Warwickshire Juniors2,5
17Jackson EdwardENG12873Cs2,5
106Ashcroft Graham JENG1783Preston2
7Coward NeilENG1760Blackpool2
10Pelling KyleENG1644Tameside2
14Banerjee Sanjoy KENG1535Atticus2
145Whitehead Mark AENG1791Rochdale1,5
1511De Santos Andrew RENG1635Preston1
12Connor Michael IENG1600Great Lever1
174Cukovs OlegENG1844Poulton-le-Fylde0,5

Tie Break1: points (game-points)