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Jamtcupen 2019

Last update 26.12.2019 15:14:01, Creator/Last Upload: jamt-chess

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Starting rank list

1Sundell Bo1704257SWE2165
2Bohman Karlholm Adrian1720643SWE2027
3Puleshi Denis1731459SWE1994
4Andersson Sven-Olof1706926SWE1877
5Wik Bo1729870SWE1818
6Fahlberg Kenneth1747444SWE1789
7Lorentzon Fabian1732374SWE1725
8Edler Olof1729802SWE1722
9Johansson Henrik1718347SWE1674
10Nylen Anders1723286SWE1641
11Oberg Bengt1729900SWE1630
12Zackrisson Sune1734938SWE1618
13Fridman Arvid1758632SWE1393
14Moange Wilhelm1763482SWE1161
15Henriksson Marie1758160SWE1103
16Nylen Olof1738780SWE0